Saturday, November 28, 2009

What's up today

Today, I am simply attempting to read some great SEO articles, put up a new portal, write an article, and develop a few new blogs on my portal topics. It's always harder to do bulk work when you are enjoying the holidays with family.

A great article for those wishing to learn more about building an SEO empire check out Eli's website: It is one of the most informative websites on the topic around.

The Tiger Woods news story is a good laugh. My father in law and I had it nailed from the beginning. The details certainly don't add up; girlfriend just happens to grab a golf club on the way out the door after hearing her husband crash their SUV, then smashes out the back window and pulls him up and over the total length of the vehicle to safety. I could go on and on about the details that don't add up but I would rather eat some left-overs and enjoy a bit of conversation with the in-laws.

This is yet another great lesson to be learned: Never talk to the police

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